Ministering Categories of Intention

Four groups to addressing and relieve challenge suffering. All are welcome to join any, or all, of the groups. Meetings occur on an as-needed basis for generating ideas and action plans
  • Improving Well-being
    • Our intention is to provide loving support and as well deal with various conditions of our lives be it physical, mental, or emotional; encompassing joy and happiness, challenge, loss, illness, aging, etc. Our group will present ideas and resources such as speakers, book topics, healing quilt, and physical support to meet the needs of our congregation and community.
    • Email Diane Janes at
  • Improving Physical Health, see Susan Hahn.
  • Improving Work-Life Harmony
    • Our intention is to foster a supportive community that promotes and enhances work-life harmony
    • Email Sherry Wells at
  • Improving Relationships, see Michelle Hayes.
Four groups to addressing and relieve challenge suffering. All are welcome to join any, or all, of the groups. Meetings occur on an as-needed basis for generating ideas and action plans
  • Improving Well-being
    • Our intention is to provide loving support and as well deal with various conditions of our lives be it physical, mental, or emotional; encompassing joy and happiness, challenge, loss, illness, aging, etc. Our group will present ideas and resources such as speakers, book topics, healing quilt, and physical support to meet the needs of our congregation and community.
    • Email Diane Janes at
  • Improving Physical Health, see Susan Hahn.
  • Improving Work-Life Harmony
    • Our intention is to foster a supportive community that promotes and enhances work-life harmony
    • Email Sherry Wells at
  • Improving Relationships, see Michelle Hayes.

Science & Spirituality

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A weekly convening of people seeking to explore the common ground shared in the domains of spirituality and science. Be prepared for a lively discussion that includes references to timely videos from spiritual teachers, theologians, professors, scientists, and you!

Led by Tom LaGoe (

On hiatus in July; resumes August 7th.

Women of Wisdom (WOW)

Women of Wisdom (WOW) consists of members and friends who meet on the second Saturday of each month for fellowship, spiritual growth and support. All women are welcome and invited to participate in all activities. See the schedule below for monthly topics.

Save Your Second Saturday

Events are currently at PCAC. Socialization at 9:30 AM. Presentations are at 10:00 AM, wrapped up at 12 noon. Click HERE for WOW Annual Calendar 2023-2024.

Next Upcoming WOW Event:

sacred rest

No WOW Meeting in July

Join us on Saturday, August 10th for Women of Wisdom presents Sacred Rest
Time:  9:30 a.m. for refreshment and conversation; 10 a.m. for the program
Location: 774 N. Sheldon Road, Plymouth
Facilitator: Anne Marie Brady
Hospitality: Mickey Eldridge
Leadership: Georgia Monroe


Annual WOW Retreat: A Day of Sacred Rest & Rejuvenation

Saturday, September 7th

We will deepen our connection to the Sacred through our relationship with the natural world using mindful practices. We will incorporate:

  • Music
  • Movement
  • Art reflections and poetry
  • Immersion in Nature through Forest Bathing, Relaxing by the Lake, Water Activities

CLICK HERE to learn what we have planned for you.


Schedule of Upcoming Events:

Date Program / Presenters Location Hospitality/Leadership
--No WOW Meeting in July
8-10-2024Sacred Rest led by Anne Marie BradyPCACMickey Eldridge/Georgia Monroe

Mission Statement

To enrich the lives of all women
by offering diverse paths to life, love, health, and prosperity
through the wisdom of the women within Friends of Unity


  • WOW is a forum for women to share, grow and support one another spiritually through experiential, fun activities.
  • Women of Wisdom share with one another their talents, interests and tools for personal and spiritual growth.
  • WOW welcomes women of all ages, faiths, and cultures, both members and non-members of Friends of Unity.
  • Women of Wisdom desire to grow friendships and build relationships by creating a safe and comfortable space.
  • WOW programs emphasize life experience and insights that are discovered in each of our personal journeys.
  • Each program stands alone, is led by volunteers, and is supported by love offerings (and fees for materials as necessary).