We care for others at every stage of life with love, authenticity, and joy.

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Call Out the Children

By Myrtle Fillmore
Co-founder of Unity
Our mission is not to entertain the children, but to call them out. To be always entertained is to be dwarfed and dependent. To be "called out" is to follow the harmonious law of the soul's unfoldment. Who meddles with the rosebud? What fingers are deft enough to pry open that marvel of folded beauty? We are wise enough to leave it alone to follow the glad law of its own unfolding, but our children! Have we dealt as wisely with these buds of marvelous possibilities? Have we always remembered that they, too, must quicken and unfold through the innate law of their own genius?

Family of Light Prayer

We invite all in our FOU family and beyond to join in the consciousness of prayer for our young friends and families:

Family of Light. I think of us. I pray on behalf of us.

Not in terms of what I think we need or what I think

we should do or be or express. I lift up my thoughts about us.

I see us as we truly are: a holy family of Divine Light, Love, and Wisdom.

I see us each guided and directed by an inward spirit that

leads us unerringly onto paths that are just right for us.

I see us strong and whole.

I see us blessed and prospered.

I see us courageous and confident.

I see us capable and successful.

I see us free from all limitations or bondage of any kind.

I see us as the spiritually perfect expression of Divine Love that we are. 

Family of Light, I see us as a blessing.

(prayer inspired by Child of Light, written by May Rowland, Director of Silent Unity, 1915-1971.)

Friends Of Unity, 2023

Can we support you in prayer?

With spirit-based activity or reading suggestions for your little ones? Or perhaps with an affirmation to help you face these challenging days?  Email friendsofunityminister@gmail.com

Note to Parents:

Background checks are done with each of our teachers and support staff working with the children.

Our photography & video policy: We value and create connections with others with the help of photos and videos. It is our policy to take photos and videos regularly with honor and respect for people’s privacy. We will not use photos of children without written consent from a parent/legal guardian. No one will be “tagged” or identified by name without written consent. Consent can be revoked at any time.

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Unity's Five Basic Principles for Children

  1. God is all good and active in everything, everywhere.
  2. I am naturally good because God’s divinity is in me and in everyone.
  3. I create my experiences by what I choose to think and what I feel and believe.
  4. Through affirmative prayer and meditation, I connect with God and bring out the good in my life.
  5. I do and give my best by living the truth I know. I make a difference.